Make Your Brand Memorable By Adding THIS

The Goal Of Every Brand

If you’re working to intentionally build a brand, one of your primary goals is to make it memorable.  You want your target audience to remember your brand, to think of your brand as the go-to solution or #1 choice for that thing you offer.  That’s how you grow your business, serve your audience, cultivate happy customers and create impact.

How To Make Your Brand Memorable

There are many ways to make your brand memorable, but let’s talk about one big strategy that can really make a difference.

To make your brand memorable, ADD MEANING.

When you make something meaningful to someone, it touches them, evokes emotion, and can create a connection point to build on.

The key to this strategy isn’t to add meaning of any kind, it’s to find out what moves your audience.  

Consider brands you love and ask yourself why you love them.  Your greatest examples of memorable brands can be the ones you can’t live without.

For me, here’s a few:

MAGNOLIA - I love it because it provides inspiration for beautiful living, and living with purpose and passion.

TRADER JOE’S - It means I can create quick, delicious meals that are healthy and not super expensive.  Love that!

DISNEY - Memories of childhood favorite movies that feel even more nostalgic and special now that I get to start sharing them with my own daughter, plus all the memorable movie campaigns I worked on (and loved) while I worked at Disney.

>>> And one of the films that stands out most was a Touchstone film - Pearl Harbor - which I loved because it held personal meaning for me.  My grandpa was at Pearl Harbor and survived, and I also grew up in Hawaii and had the chance to go back home to work at the junket and premiere on top of a working aircraft carrier sitting on Pearl Harbor.  Plus, I got to invite my parents to the premiere…that was special.

When you can make something special to your audience, it moves them.  When you move them, you become unforgettable.

Different Ways To Add Meaning To Your Brand

1 - Storytelling

Facts and theories are informational.  Stories are inspirational.  Stories get passed on again and again because they’re memorable.  If you want to make your brand more meaningful, tell stories. 

2 - Purpose & Why

The why behind your business is the bigger purpose you can share with your audience.  Your story of why can deeply resonate with your audience if you’ve positioned your brand well.  Most people who are intrigued by a brand want to know the reason, the passion, and the people behind it.  Share your purpose.

3 - Values

What does your brand value?  What do you stand for?  How do you operate, and what do you believe is possible for your audience?  Crafting your core values and sharing them can create a deep connection with your audience as consumers today are looking to align with a brand’s values before they follow, engage, buy or support them.

4 - Manifesto

Your manifesto is a more poetic way of stating what your brand believes in.  Think of it as your core values told in a storytelling way to move your audience.

5 - Evoking Emotion

Telling your story, sharing your purpose, stating your values and displaying your manifesto are all ways to evoke emotion in your audience.  I’m calling this out because if you dream up other ways (and you will) to evoke emotion with your specific audience for your brand - do it.  It’s literally the definition of making your brand meaningful to your ideal clients.

“Move your audience, create a memorable brand.”

Want more resources and tips on how to define what your brand stands for?  Sign up for HARTLING POST - it’s your weekly mail drop filled with made-for-you content to help brand your business and clarify your message.